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  • Writer's pictureRandall Putala

Growing Rice to Feed Starving Villagers in Uganda

In some of the lowest density regions of Uganda, people are dying of starvation. World Hunger Team is there, growing corn, spinach, cabbages, beans and more on our 7-acre farm in Namalemba Village. We support and help feed over 300 orphans at two locations, both Christian mission orphanages and farms. As the parents die of hunger, the children are sent to missions such as ours. No government assistance is available, and no other NGOs / Non-profits serve the region. Now, a new opportunity has come about to help provide much-needed food to the region, in high volume. Our WHT Ambassador there, Robert Bitera, sent this plea today: "Hello Dad here is another opportunity some one has come to me hiring this swampy land suitale for rice growing ... you can share it with one of our World Hunger Team so that we can have it for growing food as security.I'm fighting so much harder that we sensitize more people NOT to get involved in sugarcane growing Dad...That is why the owner of this land wanted to hire it to us for one year at least...

Cheaply all these 2 and a half acres is asking for $270. Woow..! Dad i have youths I'm already sharing with who are going to help me with slashing or clearing that land Dad. We have plough they can help us with ploughing. Only that once get these acres we are to occupy it with rice because food is so much needed because hunger isn't fun. Dad Rice seeds we have already and it doesn't require fertilizer. Our urgent need is the money is requiring for hiring....Robert AN URGENT PLEA FOR FUNDING Can you help World Hunger Team lease the land and grow 2-1/2 acres of rice to feed starving villagers in Uganda? Any and all donations are graciously welcome. We are a true 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible.


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