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Local Chicken Coops

Building low-cost chicken coops out of local materials.

The development of the poultry sector is sub-Saharan Africa is constrained by factors including diseases, cost of bird housing, the high cost of feed and the difficulty in providing correct chicken nutrition.

WHT has developed a closed-loop system that we believe can put more families and communities in the chicken rearing business.

About Our Chicken Coops

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How it Works

Our modular chicken coop design is currently in development. It primarily uses sustainable materials sourced locally. And it is partnered with a program to grow the vast majority of the chicken food on-site using materials and seeds we supply. More chickens = more healthy food.

We plan to build low-cost chicken coops out of bamboo grown locally, low-cost fabric panels sewed locally, and ordinary PVC connectors.

Many high-tech solutions for poultry raising are now available at low cost, taking winning technology to new areas.

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Chicken Coop Specifics

The biggest challenges facing potential chicken farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are a) Money, b) Delivery and c) Experience.

At WHT, we believe we have solved the issue. We have designed a super light-weight modular chicken coop that can be AIRLIFTED to any cellphone coordinates using a commercial drone.

The key construction material is bamboo, which is used to frame the structure in modular 1 meter-square panels. The corner connections are standard issue PVC joints. And the panels are made of machine cloth. It is basically heavy wire mesh that is plastic coated.

The walls in the nesting area will be made out of bamboo lengths locked together into a plank. This will also be used to make the ramp to the nesting area and the doors.

Our goal is to bring each 10-12 bird coop in at a cost of $200 prior to shipping.

Our Ask

Our goal is to obtain funding to build the Uganda-based factory to assemble these units. Then we will wholesale them to the largest chicken companies for distribution to the end customer. We are seeking funding and business associates to implement this project.

To gain in-depth insights into this impactful initiative and explore how you can contribute, please click the button below to download our comprehensive project sheet.

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