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All-Natural Pesticides

Using nature to protect nature: All-Natural pesticides and insecticides.

Crop losses in African countries due to insects and other pests are estimated at 49% of the expected total crop yield each year, according to the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International.* Pesticides are widely available in sub-Saharan Africa, but few small farmers can afford them.

That is why World Hunger Team is working to develop alternative pest control products and methods. Many successful methods are taught in different countries of the world, but that knowledge is rarely shared across continents.

About Our Pesticides

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Our Solution

We’ve all heard of the “old wives tales” on how to naturally solve problems. Many recipes of the past will STILL work, but people on small farms in Africa have never even heard of these recipes. We’re working to change that, and have implemented several successful practices on our 7-acre farm in Uganda.

Another category we are working on is Neem Oil. The NIH / National Center for Biotechnology Information** has done a great deal of research in this category. They state that “Among the botanical insecticides currently marketed, neem oil is one of the least toxic to humans and shows very low toxicity to beneficial organisms, so it is, therefore, very promising for the control of many pests.

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Current Programs

  • Neem Oil Extraction. We have access to literally 100s of acres of neem trees in the unrestricted jungle at our mission location in Mbale, Uganda. We are seeking resources to establish an oil-pressing and packaging factory there.

  • Pepper Spray. We have successfully tested a leaf-eater treatment at our 7-acre farm in Namalemba Village, Uganda. It is a mixture of hot peppers, dish detergent and baking soda. It naturally eliminates the bugs yet is harmless to birds, bees, other insects - and humans!

  • Leaf-based Pest Treatments. Oils can be easily extracted from native plants such as Khakibos, BlackJacks, and Tomato leaves. As a spray-on treatment, they can be highly toxic to pests yet totally harmless to other creatures.

Our Ask

We are seeking corporate partners who want to help establish a Neem Oil Factory in Mbale, Uganda that will not only provide Neem Oil to the area, but also provide an income when surplus can be sold.

To gain in-depth insights into this impactful initiative and explore how you can contribute, please click the button below to download our comprehensive project sheet.

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